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Huron Feathers welcomes young people to assist the staff with the day camp, provided they are at least 13 years of age by July of the year they are volunteering with us, to a maximum of 5 volunteers per week. The Huron Feathers Volunteer program is called 'SALT' after Matthew 5:13, "you are the salt of the earth." SALTers must want to grow, lead, and serve in Christ, or desire to move in that direction. If you are interested in volunteering, please send an e mail to: and we will send you a volunteer registration form. 



Members of the Huron Feathers Board take turns volunteering as worship assistants for Sunday Worship. Anyone else who would like to help out on Sunday mornings would be welcome. Help is always appreciated for welcoming people as they arrive, setting up and serving coffee, tidying up after the service and the many other things that are made easier with an extra pair of hands.

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